Stranded on a doomed planet, a group of travellers fleeing their pasts will come face to face with themselves from another dimension
STAGE: Development & Financing
DIRECTOR: Kelsey Egan
WRITERS: Magnus Aspli & Robert Klecha
PRODUCER: Jade Alexander
PRODUCTION COMPANY: Little Jade Productions & Spier Films
DIRECTOR: Kelsey Egan
WRITERS: Magnus Aspli & Robert Klecha
PRODUCER: Jade Alexander
PRODUCTION COMPANY: Little Jade Productions & Spier Films
Fleeing their burning space ship, 5 strangers scramble onboard an escape shuttle but their trajectory is pulled off by a black hole. Crash landing on a strange alien planet, our disparate group of travellers work to repair their shuttle. Soon they realise a key part of their engine was broken in the crash, leaving them stranded and desperate to return to civilisation.
A help beacon appears on their monitors, it is from a shuttle just like theirs. They set out to investigate, to find survivors and salvage the missing part they need, potentially damning the other crew to ensure their own survival.
To their surprise the ship is identical to their own, and soon the surreal events give way to a stranger truth….and they come face to face with themselves from an alternate universe.
An alternate version, of themselves who took a different path, and is now also stranded on this alien planet.
For some this is a heartfelt meeting. For others it exposes hidden pain, burdens and regrets.
They all have to make devastating new decisions whilst the skies above them present a looming deadline. The dimensions are merging, and planet is being pulled into the black hole, tearing at the fabric of space and time.
The decisions they made placed them here, now they must confront their past and choose which version of themselves to save for a better future…..
Magnus Aspli is an award-winning screenwriter and transmedia writer, from games to comics. His latest work was the 2016 game EARTHLOCK from Snowcastle Games. Currently he is working on a transmedia sci-fi project called METROPO, an insect noir puppet show in development with Klipp & Lim called BUG CITY, a sci-fi feature film in development with Little Jade Productions called OUTER EDGES, and a cyberpunk TV show in development with XYZ Films.
Robert Klecha is an award-winning screenwriter and journalist who's first feature film, SOCIAL SUICIDE, was official selection at the 2015 Raindance Film Festival. Since then he’s worked with BOOM! Studios graphic novel publishers on potential graphic novel to film adaptations and is currently working on various television and film projects. These include the TV series L.U.C.I.D. and PARALLEL as well as NEXUS, a sci-fi feature film and OUTER EDGES, a sci-fi feature film in development with Little Jade Productions.
Magnus Aspli is an award-winning screenwriter and transmedia writer, from games to comics. His latest work was the 2016 game EARTHLOCK from Snowcastle Games. Currently he is working on a transmedia sci-fi project called METROPO, an insect noir puppet show in development with Klipp & Lim called BUG CITY, a sci-fi feature film in development with Little Jade Productions called OUTER EDGES, and a cyberpunk TV show in development with XYZ Films.
Robert Klecha is an award-winning screenwriter and journalist who's first feature film, SOCIAL SUICIDE, was official selection at the 2015 Raindance Film Festival. Since then he’s worked with BOOM! Studios graphic novel publishers on potential graphic novel to film adaptations and is currently working on various television and film projects. These include the TV series L.U.C.I.D. and PARALLEL as well as NEXUS, a sci-fi feature film and OUTER EDGES, a sci-fi feature film in development with Little Jade Productions.
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